Vintage Clothing For The Win


Are you looking to have a sustainable relationship with fashion? Then look no further, VINTAGE is the solution to your queries.

I feel vintage has been a thing for me since I can remember. I recall after school dates with my friends in Carrer Tallers in Barcelona, looking for the perfect Levis 500 to take to the beach bar.

Looking for a designer bargain in one of the many vintage shops in Le Marais in Paris.

These days, vintage shopping feels must. It certainly is for millenials like myself. All big urban cities have access to incredibly curated pieces from the likes of YSL, Chanel, Versace and more. The quality that you will find in these garments is, in many ways, much more delicate than those that you will find in new high street shops like H&M and Zara.

More over, the pieces you are buying are part of history. An item that lived in experienced different eras and many stories and yet, is ready to take on board a new owner. When you shop vintage, you are buying uniqueness, quality, and on top of everything, a better, greener planet.

It is undeniable that the fashion industry is continuing to damage the planet. As thrifted mentioned in a recent article, the fashion industry generates more greenhouse gases than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. It is the second biggest consumer of water, and generates 20% of all wastewater. Evidence shows that as much as one third of all the clothes we buy, end up in landfill.

Big manufacturers claim better approaches to clothes making by 2030, but many are just using this as their new PR stunt. When you look at the small print, there is a lot of #greenwashing. In light of all this, why would one go for the new and worse quality outfit when you can get something unique to you?

Be part of the change whilst still loving fashion and choose vintage for the win. You will find anything and everything you wish for.

P.S.: The outfit you see on this post is entirely vintage, excluding the beads bag that i hand made during lockdown.