Painting Candles Fiesta

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Art is you being free from all of the world’s heaviness.

What are you waiting for to grab a brush and a notepad and set your mind free?


Now let me start by saying that painting may not be fit for all, and that is OK. I know the fear of creating something that isn’t up to our own standards can be high, but what if painting was something we do just for fun?

It’s important (and healthy!) to take your inner kid for a spin every now and then and I couldn’t think of a better way than making some cheerful pillar candles whilst sipping a bit of bubbly and nibbling on some goodie goodies. I don’t know about you but that sounds like a delightful evening to me. Especially now since most of what we can do is being at home.

I am not an expert on art therapy, but for me crafting something with your bare hands is a great way of expressing yourself and the state you are in. Whether you are in a happy mood or a grumpy one, the end result of creating a piece will make you wonders. I can promise this will be something that will 100% happen to you, but I would say there’s no harm in trying. It may also be lots of fun!

For me, the months of lockdown wouldn’t have been the same without painting. I am quite a hyper active person. Those who know me, know that I love doing things all the time and take joy in doing many things. Inevitably, when the idea of staying at home for a longer (and longer and longer) period of time hit, it was hard to cope. Painting was a great solution to my anxiety, and it could also be yours.

And if it isn’t, at least you got some nice art and candles along the way!

Chin chin my dears,

Here’s to more wonderful and entertaining evenings/ weekends at home.

TCB xx